Every Baby Bites
Every Baby Bites - RK Schilling

Strategy for Every Baby Bites
We're embracing the micro-budget

This film is being created not simply to entertain, but to go beyond standard genres with original story telling and thought-provoking themes.

We're teeing up this project to knock it out of the park:

Ultimately, our well-crafted, high-quality film produced at low cost will maximize the potential for our investors to not only recoup their initial outlay with a robust return on investment, but also to enjoy long-term, on-going residuals.

And, of course, there's the fun of making a movie!

The Team

Production Advantage

We will be shooting in the North Bay, where our many long-term working relationships offer us access to impressive locations and a tight-knit, professional crew. Their belief in this project and their devotion to quality will create a film with much higher production values on the screen than its budget would suggest.

Also, we understand the immense value of pre-vizualization, pre-production prep, team cohesion, and how creativity and vision can prosper under the fiscal conditions of low-budget filmmaking.

We own our own, Netflix approved, equipment.

Digital Technology

Our digital age has put powerful tools in the hands of the people, democratized post-production, and has opened up an overflow of alternative distribution strategies. Our team can now compete with Hollywood (without their overblown budgets) on all production and artistic levels.

(For a more in-depth, detailed examination of our strategy blueprint, please request our business plan, let's talk.)

And we will -- Dream Big!





Ron Thing Media - Every Baby Bites